Beast X Casting Rod

SKU 1612430


BEAST X rods are designed for the fanatic pike angler. These rods are developed with big pike in mind. They are strong, reliable and powerful - ready to cast (big) lures all day long and fight big fish. These BEAST X rods are on average more than 15%(!) lighter compared to their predecessors. The rod actions have been improved by implementing faster taper rod designs and by reducing the weight of the guides. These rods have been long-term tested by pro pike anglers from all over Europe to ensure they are perfected. Are you ready to take your pike fishing to the next level?

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  • Fast taper 30T Carbon blanks
  • Blanks designed to be strong, powerful and reliable - yet light in weight
  • Seaguide® Stainless Steel XOG anti-tangle guides
  • Ergonomic reel seat designs
  • High density EVA handle grips
  • Including hook keeper
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